26th Chapter : 26 Promises
#xixi #rose #randysdonut #birthday

#xixi #rose #randysdonut #birthday

#xixi #rose #randysdonuts #birthday

#xixi #rose #randysdonuts #birthday

Whew. I never in a million years imagined I would celebrate my birthday in trying times like these. Needless to say, God is still good despite everything we are facing. I’m so grateful to be alive, healthy, for my family and friends, and to have a sound mind. I’m also so thankful for my blog and to be able to express my love for fashion, as well. 

Like I’ve mentioned before, blogging about fashion is definitely an outlet for me to be open about my personal style/preference, it gives me a platform to help others, and allows me to be an inspiration. I may not blog as often as other bloggers do (I’m working on being more consistent, bare with me), but I do want to let you all know that I definitely take my time before I release content. It’s a bit of an extensive process. I truly believe in quality over quantity. Everyone is different and I allow myself grace on this journey. I appreciate everyone who has been keeping up with my blog - seriously - thank you!

25 was so good but definitely mentally draining at times. 26 definitely feels a bit different and odd,  but it also feels revolutionary. Here are 26 promises to myself that you might be able to relate to! (*cough cough , my fellow creatives*) 

I promise  to be a better reflection of Christ. 

I promise to love more like Christ. 

I promise to be more open in allowing God to use me and my skill set. 

I promise to walk with more faith. 

I promise to trust God more.

 I promise to talk to God more about my dreams and goals. 

I promise to not resort to fear so quickly. 

I promise to take better care of my mental health.

 I promise to take better care of my physical health. 

I promise to take better care of my spiritual and emotional health. 

I promise to blog more. 

I promise to indulge myself more into fashion. 

I promise to explore different avenues of fashion. 

I promise to be more confident in the content I produce. 

I promise to be confident in what I bring to the table in my career. 

I promise to work on my skill set. 

I promise to sketch/design more.

 I promise to perfect my niche.

 I promise to not give up on what God has placed on my heart. 

I promise to start my business. 

I promise to invest in myself more. 

I promise to be more self-disciplined in my love for fashion. 

I promise to work at my craft daily/weekly.

 I promise to seek more wisdom. 

I promise to rest when needed. 

I promise to BE ME AT ALL TIMES. 

You may be thinking, “Umm, she is not about to accomplish all of this, this is a lot." My response is - I have to start somewhere.  Will I accomplish all of this? Maybe, maybe not. I trust and believe God can do any and all things and He can do all of this for me as He can for you, too! I know that He will give me the tools to start where I’m most knowledgeable and then help spread my wings out of my comfort zone in order to accomplish all of this according to His will. My advice to you is, never stop creating, do what you love, pray over it, have faith in it, and watch God align you with your dreams and allow you to flourish beyond measure.Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this post! Happy Birthday to me! Remember, keep those #ideasloading! 

With Love, Paris Ysatis 

Edited by: Morgan Ball