Goal Getter

At the beginning of this year, I set many goals and got out my ideas by writing them down on paper. I’ve seen many of my goals come to fruition by God’s grace and favor through prayer, faith, and persistence. Consistently blogging was one of those goals - though I’m still in a progressive phase with this, putting together ideas and outfits is something that is truly therapeutic to me.
With each shoot, I never put my outfit together too far in advance and if I can’t think of a look, I try not to work myself up and hit the reset button. I remind myself that “I promised myself I wanted to be more productive with my blog and I already have a shoot scheduled,” - so as to remind myself that I’ve already achieved step one! This is more or less what happened with this specific shoot. I allowed myself to focus on the goal and my thoughts wandered the day before the shoot and I came up with a look by using simple pieces from my closet.
I wanted to go for a summer look so I figured the Venice Canals would complement my outfit. My favorite part about this look is how all the pieces contrast one another. The light blue chunky strapped heels, with the knit simple dress and a leopard belt add the perfect pop. Of course I had to throw on my funky orange sunglasses to set the whole look off.
Check out my Instagram page @paris_ysatis for tags to see where I purchased these pieces.
What I’m learning as I’ve gotten older is to always remain focused on the goal no matter what interferes. Don’t dwell on why you may not be to your end goal and trust God’s process with any and everything throughout the journey. Though you might go through valleys, remember the valley is the only way to get to the top of the mountain.
Remember, keep those #ideasloading and stay tuned for more content!
With Love,
Paris Ysatis
Edited by: Morgan Ball
Photos: @jus.cooln
Paris Fields