Paris Fields


Paris Fields

In case you all haven’t noticed - I usually mix up my blog posts with some words of encouragement. Needless to say, whatever I’m going through at the time is almost always reflected in those words of encouragement. Since I’ve been so transparent with you all, I will say that blogging isn’t always easy. It takes me a while to filter ideas, create content, and think of concepts that are relevant. 

I’ll be honest and say that I think I could’ve done better with this look. It wasn’t the photographer and the way I was pictured; it was me and the way I put the outfit together as a whole. It was also me over-analyzing and critiquing every piece of the look - after all, we are often our harshest critics. I almost didn’t use these pictures to produce content, until I realized that I must be confident and realize that trial and error is the only way I will grow - so I thought, why not note it publicly?!

Let's get into the details of this look. I adore these two main pieces! I’m in love with my new boots from that were only $60! They give the perfect Fall vibe and can be versatile with many color ways and styles. You will be seeing me wear these a lot!

Now, I had to turn this blazer dress into just a blazer because honey, I am just too thick to walk around with a blazer dress that barely goes past my bum! Anyways, I got this sophisticated looking blazer on sale at - the brand is Lacademie. This piece was on sale but we all know how expensive Revolve is, so was it really a sale? $100 later.. I think not! I paired simple accessories such as my favorite sleek, tortoise sunnies and simple gold jewelry, like always! 

Remember to be confident during this holiday season even when you don’t feel like it, because someone is counting on you to be brave and set the example. Practice what you preach and follow through even when you aren’t too impressed with yourself. There is always next time! God’s path for us is far greater than we can imagine and our bumps only make us stronger.
Remember, keep those #ideasloading!

With Love, 

Paris Ysatis 

Link for boots:

Edited by: Morgan Ball

Photos by: jus.cooln